National Grid rolling blackouts affecting businesses

Article posted

14th Apr 2023

Read time

3-5 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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As the UK moves into spring, many may breathe a sigh of relief that the winter months have passed without any planned rolling blackouts. It's easy to assume that the threat of power outages has passed, but the reality is that we can never be too certain. With the ever-changing energy landscape and the unpredictability of weather patterns, it's important for businesses to remain vigilant and take steps to mitigate the risk of blackouts. After all, while we may have avoided the issue in the past, we cannot guarantee the same outcome in the future.

What are rolling blackouts, and why are they planned?

When it comes to managing power grids, sometimes temporary power outages, or rolling blackouts, become necessary. While they can be frustrating for those affected, they are a tool used by grid operators and regulators to balance the supply and demand of electricity. These outages typically occur during periods of high demand, such as during extreme weather events, when the power grid may not be able to keep up with the usage. While it may seem counterintuitive to purposely turn off power to certain areas, it is a strategy that helps prevent widespread, long-term outages and ensures the stability of the power grid.


Why do blackouts happen?

During periods of high demand, the strain on the national grid can be overwhelming, causing supply to fall short of demand. This unfortunate circumstance often triggers the implementation of rolling blackouts, a practice leading to frustration and inconvenience for both households and businesses alike. Those affected by such moves are left to endure a feeling of powerlessness as they lose the ability to maintain their daily routine. The cascading effects of a shortage of power are felt throughout the community and serve as a reminder of the fragile state of our energy infrastructure. As the population continues to grow, energy demands will continue to rise, increasing the need for the development of sustainable and renewable energy sources.


What to do if your business suffers a blackout  

A sudden power outage can disrupt anyone’s day, but luckily there’s a simple solution. If you’re experiencing a loss of electricity that you weren’t expecting, all you need to do is call 105. This handy number connects you directly to your distribution network operator, or DNO, who are responsible for maintaining the power lines that connect your business. With just one phone call, you’ll be able to report the power cut and get back to your work. So next time you’re left in the dark, remember that 105 is the number to call for a swift resolution.

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