What if I have a complaint?
Please follow the below steps;
Step one
Log your complaint with us by phone, letter, email, or via the contact page on this website.
Step two
Your complaint will be investigated and we will respond to you within three working days, and we will try to resolve it, where possible, within 10 working days.
Step three
If you are unhappy with the outcome, then you may wish to appeal. To do this, simply write to us and request for the matter to be re-evaluated by a more senior member of our organisation. You must do this within 28 calendar days of receiving our initial response. Please state the grounds of your appeal.

Ombudsman Services Energy Broker Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme
Resolve Energy take complaints very seriously. Providing a market leading, high-quality service to our customers is one of our core values. We are proud to be publicly registered with the Ombudsman Services as a member of their Energy Broker Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme. We hope our membership to this scheme demonstrates to you our unwavering commitment to customer care.
If you have a complaint, then please give us the opportunity to resolve your complaint following the steps above. If we’re not able to resolve your complaint directly, then you’re welcome to contact Ombudsman Services. We subscribe to their Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme, so that customers have access to their free and impartial dispute resolution service. For more information, please visit www.ombudsmanservices.org.
Membership Number: C35RESO01
Visit Ombudsman ServicesUtilities Intermediaries Association (UIA)
The idea of a trade association for third party intermediaries was first mentioned in the minutes of an Energywatch seminar held to discuss energy purchasing for the Public Sector and SMEs.
It became clear that brokers were viewed in a less than complimentary light and many horror stories were circulating in the industry regarding clients being dealt with in a cavalier manner. There were a group of brokers who were sufficiently worried about the impact that this was having on their reputation that the UIA was formed.
Resolve Energy recognises the importance of being trusted by its customers. By joining the UIA and signing its Code of Practice increases consumer confidence and provides peace of mind that we are delivering on our promises.
The UIA Code is an agreement between the UIA and its members (and suppliers who subscribe to the Code) which sets out the minimum service standards that clients can expect from energy brokers and consultants.
All the major leading suppliers have pledged their support for the UIA. Energywatch and Ofgem support the initiative of the Trade Association the Regulator having made the following statement:
“Ofgem welcomes the UIA initiative as the first step to the self-regulation of Third Party Intermediaries in the energy market. We hope that the Code of Practice increases consumer confidence giving customers the assurance that their independent representative is acting with their best interests in mind.”
Resolve Energy have also agreed to abide to the EON sponsored Code of Practice. To date, EON are the only energy supplier to have a code of practice. However, each and every supplier that Resolve Energy works with demands an exceptionally high standard from us.
To read more about the UIA’s complaints procedure, please follow this link UIA Complaints.